
2013.11.25- 花&花瓶 (Flowers & Vase)

1 先完成基本的輪廓,不需要過份的描繪細節,此時需要注意的是花朵,葉子還有花盆在畫面裡的相對位置和大小關係。

Draw the outline loosely, but don't add too many details. At this stage, painting the right relative location and size of flowers and leafs are the most important thing.

先處理背景的部分,用大圓筆先於底層刷水延長乾燥時間,接著以綠色, 黃橘色, 藍色和深咖啡色以濕縫合法輕鬆畫出具有豐富色彩的背景。較大的背景面積可以用分區縫合的方式分頭進行。此時需注意顏料的用量,需多。如此才能讓深色的調子有足夠的飽和度。

Pre-wet the background to extend the drying time of the following washes. Then, loosely paint the background with the mixture of green, orange, yellow, blue ad brown to make it colorful. The tip is to keep mixing in the different ratio and apply the wet-in-wet technique. Paint the left and right side separately can make the whole work easier.Finally, make the background overcolored to offset the fading after water goes off. 

3 以紅色調和些許白色畫玫瑰花,等畫完一層底色後趁濕再上第二層黃色讓色彩豐富。亮面的部分須以留白處理。葉子的亮區以綠色混和黃色輕輕帶過,而葉子的暗色陰影則先以留百處理。

Paint the flowers with the mixture of red and kinda white (create milk red), and then apply the yellow on the wet first wash to make the flowers more colorful. Preserve the highlight on the flowers. Loosely stamp the color lumps of yellow-green mixture to present the bright area of leafs. 

4 以咖啡色混合綠色調出深色調的樹綠,然後以拓印的方式畫出葉子的深色區域,這邊須特別注意筆觸壓印的形塊,盡量畫出富有大小,聚散變化的色塊。此時再以深紅色畫出玫瑰花的陰影。

Stamp the shade of the jumble of leafs with the mixture of black, brown and green. We has to especially be aware of the shape of color lumps of shade here. Make them interesting (verity of size and assembling) is the most important job here. Apply the dark red for the second layer (shade) of flowers.


Paint the vase with flat color, and use 2~3 washes to create the sense of multi-level. Preserve the highlight on the vase. Apply the mixture of brown, orange and black on the shade of the vase, and use the mixture of yellow, orange  and kinda white on the bright area of the vase. Pre-wet the boundary of shade, and makes the color diffuse by itself. Create the sfumato edge of shade. Cover part of the bright area on left flowers with opaque white to underline the highlight. Keep the white pigment water free to make sure it can complete overlap the color below. Finally, apply the color lumps on table to make it looks multi-level.

